Jan 13, 2013


What a better way to say ''Good Morning Sunday'' than with these clean & easy recipes ?

Classic Vanilla Custard can be topped off with your favorite fresh fruit.
Bake them in small ramekins or bowls to reduce the time it takes in the oven to approximately 25 minutes...
just the amount needed to set the table with bacon & eggs & fresh brewed coffee.

Our second easy suggestion is a Pate Brisee Fruit Crisp. The dough can be made the night before & left in the refrigerator ready to be rolled out before baking. All the dough ingredients are thrown into a food processor...
Easy... easy... easy !!!
Once again, your selection of fresh fruit tucked in on top, will enable you to make a wide assortment !!!

Finally... you all know our weak-point during breakfast is the Dutch Baby !!!
We have already dedicated an article to them,http://14u-fashion.blogspot.gr/2012/11/weekend-dutch-baby.html#more    
BUT, take a look at the picture  below...
If you haven't already tried them... this picture perfect Dutch Baby will surely make you try.

ALL recipes from www.chickypea.com

VANILLA CUSTARD - www.chickypea.com/?p=39#more-39

PATE BRISEE FRUIT CRISP - www.chickypea.com/?p=595

DUTCH BABY - www.chickypea.com/?p=1278